Стикеры по тегу Blockchain Community

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2020 has been an impactful year for all the years and the need of doing business using technology has never been more. The kind of demand which is shown by traditional businesses to move to digital systems is way higher than previous years which

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Blockchain community India (BCI) is the extensive and significant concept of 21st century. It is the first Decentralised, Open Source & Borderless community of India. Blockchain community India is a start-up of the new generation, with 11+ traditional businesses,

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Both this powerful technology is going to shape our future. Blockchain is the decentralized, distributed, public ledger. It is the record-keeping technology. AI is the technology that makes a machine or program more intelligent and capable of doing works that otherwise, only humans can do.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lifestyle in the deepest ways and with economic growth going down there will be a shift that pushes entrepreneurs to innovate their traditional business and address the changing customer preferences.

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Blockchain Community of India is a conglomerate that works together with its partners to infuse the latest technologies into traditional businesses like healthcare sector, education sector, banking, and finance sector, utility and e-commerce sector, hospitality sector, information technology sector

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